Category Description: Waterproofing means objects relatively not affected by water under certain conditions. Companies or contractors involved in waterproofing of building basements, decks, wet areas of building structures are known as waterproofing contractors. Water proofing contracts are taken up building maintenance and construction companies in Qatar. Find below the list of waterproofing contractors and companies providing waterproofing services in Doha, Qatar.
Companies Retrieved: 86
New Modern Trading & Contracting Services
P O Box: 30752, Doha, Qatar
Newmoon Trading & Contracting LLC
P O Box: 82512, Doha, Qatar
Oceans Seven Trading & Contracting WLL
P O Box: 40079, Doha, Qatar
Orbit Trading & Contracting Co
P O Box: 31514, Doha, Qatar
P O Box: 3016, Doha, Qatar
Perfect Construction & Engineering Co
P O Box: 15480, Doha, Qatar
P O Box: , Doha, Qatar
P O Box: 30513, Doha, Qatar
P O Box: 64122, Doha, Qatar
Qatar Construction Technique Co WLL
P O Box: 37671, Doha, Qatar