Category Description: Cleanliness is both the abstract state of being clean and free from dirt, and the process of achieving and maintaining that state. On a practical level, cleanliness is thus related to hygiene and disease prevention. Cleaning companies or cleaning contractors help to clean up the office premises and building surrounding. They are responsible to maintain the cleanliness throughout the year as per their contract. Cleaning companies in Qatar provides chemical cleaning services to companies, institutions and factories mostly on an annual contract basis. Find below the list of cleaning contractors and companies in Doha, Qatar.
Companies Retrieved: 271
P O Box: , Doha, Qatar
Al Asham Trading & Contracting
P O Box: 60202, Doha, Qatar
Al Asmakh Facilities Management WLL
P O Box: 22360, Doha, Qatar
Al Bahr Al Abiyad Hospitality & Cleaning & Car Wash
P O Box: , Doha, Qatar
P O Box: 4212, Doha, Qatar
AL Baraah Trading & Contracting
P O Box: 201418, Doha, Qatar
Al Buhaira International Leading Services Company
P O Box: 20687, Doha, Qatar
Al Dalla Cleaning & Trading WLL
P O Box: 23877, Doha, Qatar
Al Doha Maintenance & Services Centre WLL
P O Box: 7510, Doha, Qatar
P O Box: 90078, Doha, Qatar