Category: ABRASIVE SUPPLIERS in Qatar.
Category Description: Abrasives is a sharp, hard material used to wear away the surface of softer, less resistant materials. Included within the term are both natural and synthetic substances, ranging from the relatively soft particles used in household cleansers. Abrasives are very commonly used by cleaning contractors and hospitality companies in Qatar. Find below the list abrasives suppliers, dealers and companies in Doha, Qatar.
Companies Retrieved: 38
Metal Fasteners & Steel Trading Co (METSO)
P O Box: 40973, Doha, Qatar
P O Box: 5790, Doha, Qatar
Orbit Electronic and Telecommunication
P O Box: 7994, Doha, Qatar
P O Box: 4404, Doha, Qatar
Progressive Trading & Contracting WLL
P O Box: 55379, Doha, Qatar
Qatar Marble & Islamic Mosaic Company
P O Box: 7722, Doha, Qatar
Redwood Engineering Trading & Contracting WLL
P O Box: 31625, Doha, Qatar
Regal Industrial Suppliers Co WLL
P O Box: 19285, Doha, Qatar
P O Box: 3461, Doha, Qatar