Category Description: The equipment's used in the extraction of crude oil such as drilling equipment, pipes, valves etc. from the oil well are known as oilfield equipment's. due to a large number of oil and gas companies operating, there is a great demand of oilfield equipment's in Qatar. Find below the list of oil well equipment suppliers & services providing companies in Doha, Qatar.
Companies Retrieved: 156
Almuftah Contracting Co WLL (Oil & Gas Division)
P O Box: 875, Doha, Qatar
Almuftah Projects & Industrial Services
P O Box: 875, Doha, Qatar
P O Box: 24970, Doha, Qatar
P O Box: 10893, Doha, Qatar
P O Box: 491, Doha, Qatar
P O Box: 22096, Doha, Qatar
P O Box: 4318, Doha, Qatar
Arabian Construction Engineering Company (ACEC)
P O Box: 1277, Doha, Qatar
Arabian Specialised Materials Company (ASMA)
P O Box: 55289, Doha, Qatar
Ardor Trading & Contracting WLL
P O Box: 201553, Doha, Qatar