Classification: PHYSIOTHERAPY CENTRES In Qatar, Doha
Classification Description: The terms ‘Physiotherapy’ stands for ‘physical therapy’ and helps to restore movement and functionality of an affected person. Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through education, advice, manual therapy, movement, massage and physical exercises. Physiotherapy is helpful for people of all ages to manage pain and maintain a healthy way of life. Find below the list of Physiotherapy centres in Doha, Qatar.
Companies Retrieved: 25
Ayur Ratnam Speciality Center for Physiotherapy
P O Box: Doha Tel: 44357289
P O Box: Doha Tel: 44146083
P O Box: Doha Tel: 40273333
Icon Medical (International Center for Orthopedics and Neurosciences)
P O Box: 3325 Doha Tel: 40191200
P O Box: 82125 Doha Tel: 40207100
Loydence Ayurveda Physiotherapy
P O Box: 4524 Doha Tel: 44273604
Millennium Medical Center (MMC)
P O Box: Doha Tel: 44111170
P O Box: 22368 Doha Tel: 44316633
P O Box: Doha Tel: 44720396
Qatar Chiropractic & Physiotherapy
P O Box: Doha Tel: 44323985