Classification: SPONSORSHIP & REPRESENTATION In Qatar, Doha
Classification Description: Sponsorship is a cash or in-kind fee paid to a property (typically in sports, arts, entertainment or causes) in return for access to the exploitable commercial potential associated with that property. Find below the list of companies who are into Sponsorship & Representation Services in Doha, Qatar.
Companies Retrieved: 28
P O Box: 6374 Doha Tel: 44433435
Ocean Waves International Group WLL
P O Box: 12179 Doha, Qatar Tel: 44566202
P O Box: 7098 Doha Tel: 44190333
P O Box: 18698 Doha Tel: 40120320
P O Box: 9009 Doha Tel: 44141985
Qatar Barcelona for Infrastructure & Trading (QBIT)
P O Box: 22656 Doha, Qatar Tel: 44626952
Qatar Development & Trading Co LLC
P O Box: 22197 Doha, Qatar Tel: 44878715
Qatar Operations & Maintanance Co LLC
P O Box: 14670 Doha Tel: 44663773