Classification: FURNISHERS - CONTRACT In Qatar, Doha
Classification Description: Furnishers who take up a turnkey contract of a particular project. It includes interior design, but not usually architecture. The decorative arts are often categorized in opposition to the fine arts , namely, painting, drawing, photography, and large-scale sculpture, which generally have no function other than to be seen. Decorative arts, or furnishings, may be fixed (for example, wallpaper), or moveable (for example, carpets). Find below the list of furnishing contractors & companies in Doha, Qatar.
Companies Retrieved: 23
Gulf Crown Furniture & Services WLL
P O Box: Doha Tel: 44660142
Ismail Ali Iskandar Trading Contracting Enterprises WLL (ITCE)
P O Box: 22252 Doha Tel: 44320300
P O Box: Doha, Qatar Tel: 44982233
P O Box: 19621 Doha Tel: 44327094
P O Box: 200415 Doha Tel: 44274966
P O Box: 37271 Doha, Qatar Tel: 44607484
P O Box: 1943 Doha Tel: 44684808
P O Box: Doha, Qatar Tel: 44582563
P O Box: 5643 Doha, Qatar Tel: 44440645
P O Box: 10197 Doha, Qatar Tel: 44677599